Thursday, December 01, 2005

Ferocious Beasts & Spotted Puppies

Several weeks ago, my 3-year-old, Sarah, stripped down to her "big girl" panties and marked all over herself with a purple marker. When I asked what on earth she was doing, she said, "I wanted to be a ferocious on Maggie & the Ferocious Beast." The beast has spots, and I do believe they are indeed purple.........and since it was water-color marker, I found this quite humorous. You gotta give the kid credit for creativity.

Then today, she strips like before, minus the big girl panties.......yep, she's butt naked this time........and proceeds to mark all over herself with a black marker. She even managed to mark on her back some. When I inquired this time as to what she was doing, she informed me that she wanted to be a spotted puppy dog. I had to snicker and roll my eyes (as I do quite frequently.) Bad thing was permanent marker this time. As hard as we try to keep the office locked, that girl will sneak in there every chance she gets and swipe something. Dang her! I gotta find a better hiding place for those markers. I still had to laugh at her though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, now, it's all good. She and Vitt can open up a tattoo parlour together when they grow up since they both love body art! Hear you can make some good bucks doing that. LOL.