Monday, December 12, 2005

Laughing Out Loud

My precious Little Loren has been cackling and squealing for a few weeks now, but I've been anxiously awaiting that first real laugh. Well, in the wee hours (12:03 a.m., to be exact) it finally came. Sarah was pretending to play "hide & seek" with Loren. When Sarah pretended to find Loren, she said "Boo!" and Loren just cackled out. Then Sarah was laughing too. Then Loren was laughing at Sarah laughing. Then Loren squealed. Then Sarah squealed back, and Loren just laughed and laughed. It was the jolly kind of laugh that comes from your belly. Those two cackling little cuties were really something. I just sat on the couch and laughed at the two of them. Sarah kept hiding and pretending to find Loren. The game and the laughter probably went on for a good 5 minutes or so. Sarah, at age 3, was able to do something mama nor daddy had been able to so far..........make baby sissy REALLY laugh. I guess my 12 Days of Christmas started a little early this year with 1 laughing baby and 2 silly sisters. Happy Holidays!

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