Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Mouse Is Stirring

.....and all through the house, not a creature was stirring.........EXCEPT for a mouse! Yep, you read that right.........a mouse. The bold little Christmas mice have arrived in our neighborhood, people. I discovered that a little mouse has been plundering in the cabinet underneath the island in our kitchen. My Uncle Pat & Aunt Jo recently reported a surprise house guest of their own this holiday season. And he must be a REALLY brave little fellow to be stirring at my uncle's house. The little mouse first appeared in the living room one evening and darted out from behind the TV. Then a couple of nights later, the brave little rascal hopped into bed with them and ran right across my uncle's head!! What's even funnier? My uncle got up and slept on the couch for the rest of the night. The wee little creature ran big, bad, "don't mess with me Pat" out of his own bed! And my aunt? Well, she stayed in bed with the mouse............which was apparently OK with her since he didn't snore as loud as my uncle (grin.) Sarah asked me why the mouse got in the bed with them. I didn't feel like seriously contemplating this, so I just said "I don't know." Her response? "Well, maybe he was tired." Out of the mouths of babes...................

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