Thursday, December 01, 2005

Thursday - Part I - Redneck Baking

"Hope from the Edge," this one's for you. The satellite guy came to install our new DVR today. Man, those things rock. We got so happy with the first one that we were keeping it full between my stuff, hubby's stuff, and Sarah's cartoons. So we had to get another DVR to end the squabbling. And now Mama has her OWN personal DVR....don't knock it, man. Anyway, my hubby works from home some and was apparently having an "Emeril" moment, so he decided to bake homemade chocolate chip cookies. He'd just gotten them outta the oven when the satellite guy arrived..............and man, did they smell GOOD! Hubby has already sampled the goods, and I tell him he should offer some to our guest. His response was that he worked hard making those cookies, and he wasn't gonna share with some stranger. I reminded him of his Southern upbringing, and he said he was only kidding. He brought the guy a couple of cookies and he graciously accepted. They were gone in no time. When the guy got ready to leave, hubby offered him more for the road, and he said, "I'm good, man. It was good to be back home. Thanks!"

No, Hope, it wasn't as good as your ham biscuit story (visitors, you must check out her blog if you haven't read that one already)..........but there's more. Later hubby informs me that the mixer wouldn't work when he went to mix up the cookie dough. We moved recently, I guess it got damaged in the move. Anyway, hubby informs me that he found a great substitute for the mixer......HIS DRILL!!! LOL!! He attached the beater to the drill and it worked just find. Hubby was quite pleased to find that he even had adjustable speeds this way........snicker, head shaking, eyes rolling. Too funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl. You got you a Tim Allen on your hands. I give the boy an A for effort for sure. Tell him I want some cookies, too!! Oh, yeah, and I'll put a new mixer on your Christmas list. LOL