Sunday, December 25, 2005


My mother-in-law (MIL) and sister-in-law (SIL) were supposed to come down on Christmas Eve, but called that afternoon to say they were gonna wait and come early Christmas morning, and they'd try to be here before Sarah got up to see what Santa brought her. She was still asleep when they got here, so that worked out fine. She had a good Christmas, and we had fun watching her open all her stuff and play. While we were in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner, I found out why my MIL was late coming down. She and my SIL were preparing some food ahead of time at her house, and they decided to break into the crown royal. My MIL rarely drinks, and she said they had just had too much to drive down here earlier. Of course, she made the right call by waiting.

During Christmas dinner, my SIL was dipping into the macaroni and cheese, and found something weird in it. She was like, "What IS that?" She dug around and pulled out a SPOON! Evidently my MIL must've gotten pretty sloshed, cause she actually baked a spoon in with the mac-n-cheese. Later during dinner we were teasing her cause she was trying to figure out how she managed to do that. I told her "It must've been the Crown." We decided that for future family dinners I will make the mac-n-cheese. We told her that she would NEVER live that down, and that when she was 90 we'd still be reminding her about her "macaroni-n-spoons." TOO funny!


Miss Hope said...

Where did all these posts come from all of a sudden??? Is my web browser thingy not working right??? Love reading what you write, girl.

CALL ME!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude. I came back to read this story again. This is hilarious. I can't wait to meet her. Can I give her grief over it, too?