Tuesday, December 06, 2005

God Bless Jack & Bill

When Sarah says her prayers at bedtime, she has her usual list of things to pray for and people to bless. "God, please help Sarah to be a good girl and please make all my boo-boo's better. God bless Mama and Daddy and baby Sissy. God bless Teddy and Baby Doll (our Cocker Spaniels.) God bless Ma-Ma (grandma) and Pooh (yes, we must bless grandma's dog, too.) But every now and then she throws in something new. We've been talking a lot lately about hubby's dad (Jack) and my dad (Bill), who have already gone to heaven. So tonight during her prayers she adds "and God bless Jack and Bill." I just had to smile to myself. It was so sweet. I guess she figured that even though they're already in heaven, you can never get too many blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, that is one smart kid. I knew the day she was born and I was holding her brand new self up to my shoulder so Mama could suck down some Sonic because she was about to starve to death and while I was holding her she lifted up her sweet little head to look around and between french fries you made the remark that she was gonna be an over-achiever. Guess Mama's know these things, huh?

p.s. how bad did that run on sentence get on your nerves??? LOL