Monday, December 05, 2005

God is Right On Time

Since I got laid off from work, money has gotten pretty tight for us. My hubby is in sales, and in his industry, (charter bus transportation) December is the slowest month of the year. So here we are right before Christmas.........completely broke, not knowing how we're gonna pay our bills, much less buy Christmas gifts. Beginning in college, I truly came to realize that God would always provide for me. If I needed something, it might not come early, and it might not be there as soon as I wanted, but when I TRULY needed it, He has always provided. There have been several times in my life when I was really strapped for money, and it came to me at a critical time from some unexpected place. This time I just I couldn't figure out what nook or cranny God was gonna scrounge up $500 from for our rent this month. Our rent is due on the 5th, and on Monday of this week I still didn't know where the money was gonna come from.

Monday night I get a phone call from my mother telling me that she received some mail for me at her house. What could it be I wonder? A check made out to my father's estate. Now, my father passed away over 5 years ago, and I was the personal representative of the estate. So all that stuff was settled long ago. So where did this check come from? A tobacco contract my Dad had before he died. Now, I have since sold the farm that this contract was associated with, and I thought I'd already received all the back payments I was gonna get. Well, this check was for a previous year before my Dad died. That just goes to show how long the delay is with the Agriculture Dept. to get money from those contracts. How much was this check for? $518...........just enough to pay my rent. And when did it come in the mail? on Dec. 5......the day my rent is due. So just let that be a reminder to you (and to me.) Sometimes when you feel like God is letting you down.............HE'S RIGHT ON TIME!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl. I've been there before. Many times. He will answer in His time which happened to be JUST in time for you guys! I'm glad you had a pleasant surprise like that.