Friday, December 09, 2005

Merry Christmas God & Jesus!!!

We took Sarah to see a Christmas program at a local church tonight. They had live animals, so Sarah loved it. Recently she asked me what a camel looked like, so I described it and then did one better..........showed her a picture online. Then I explained that she'd get to see a REAL LIVE camel at the Christmas play, so she had eagerly anticipated it. The look on her face when that camel came down the aisle made it worth the trip. She stood up out of her seat, her mouth dropped open, and she put both hands on her cheeks (think "Home Alone" and substitute a gasp for the yell.) It was priceless.

When the king came up to present baby Jesus with gifts, she couldn't understand why she couldn't just go up there and talk to him. She kept asking over and over. After the program was over, I found out what the urgency was all about. As we exited the gym, they had the cast lining both sides of the walkway so guests could speak to them as they left. Sarah just had to talk to the king. She walks up and says, "Um, excuse me, King Herod, but why did you want to hurt baby Jesus?" Then it was my turn to do the Home Alone imitation. It suddenly dawned on me what the deal was, so I explained to the guy who played the king that they'd been studying about King Herod in Sarah's class at church, and since that was the only king she knew about so far, she figured he must be King Herod, who wanted to kill baby Jesus to keep him from becoming the "King of the Jews." I explained to Sarah that this king who was in the play loved baby Jesus and came to see him and bring him presents when he was born. The king assured her that he did indeed love baby Jesus, and then everything was cool. Leave it to my child to stand up to the mean old king who wants to hurt little babies and ask for an explanation. She's just too much!

On the way home, she said she wanted to tell God and Jesus "Merry Christmas!" I told her to go ahead because they could hear her. So she looks up at the roof of the car and cheerfully says, "Merry Christmas God and Jesus!" Since the play Sarah has renamed her doll. He is now "baby Jesus." She takes her blanket and drapes it over her head like Mary in the play, and wraps her baby up like Jesus in the manger. After we got home Sarah asked if we needed to buy a Christmas gift for Jesus, and I explained that since He was in heaven now, we wouldn't be able to give it to him right now, but that He had everything He needed and lots of cool stuff He wanted up there. So he really didn't need us to buy him a present, but that it was really sweet of her to think of Him. I tried to explain why we buy each other gifts at Christmas, just as the kings, wise men, and shepherds did for baby Jesus so long ago. And indeed, "Merry Christmas, God and Jesus!" And most importantly, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!!!"

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