Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reindeer Sighting

As some of you know, I live in the South. No, it’s not winter here, and even when it is, we don’t usually see reindeer down here in South Carolina. But I spotted a reindeer today…..came running right through my LIVING ROOM! This was an AMAZING reindeer, people. First off, I know for sure it was a female, yet I saw the antlers plain as day. Yes, I know only the males grow horns. And these were special horns, mind you……they were red and had flashing lights! No, I did NOT start hitting the egg nog early. And I have NOT recently been abducted by aliens….at least not that I recall. And no, I do NOT spoke those “funny cigarettes.“ Anyway, I digress.

People, this reindeer was about 3 feet tall and could stand upright on her hind legs….must’ve been about 40 pounds. She also had dark, curly hair and blue eyes. Yes, her name is Loren. Snicker. Somewhere in all the chaos in this house, Little Loren found the flashing reindeer antlers, put them on her head, and proceeded to run all through the house. TOO CUTE!! Sorry I couldn’t get a picture folks….this reindeer was just moving TOOOOO fast!

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