Thursday, August 07, 2008

Blogging Reborn

Well, bloggers, I’m back!……..after an extremely long hiatus. After being without Internet for a very long time, I am once again online. In trying to decide whether to begin blogging again, I reminded myself of the reasons I wanted to do this in the first place:

  • It’s a place to document the neat things in my day to day life that I want to remember, especially with my kids. (Some days I need to be reminded why it was that I wanted to do this “stay at home Mom“ thing.)
  • It will force me to sit down and make a conscious effort to think about the GOOD things in my life (not just the negatives.) Hopefully that will help me to have a more positive attitude. (I’m going through a divorce, so I need all the help I can get there. Can I get an “amen?“ Grin.)
  • It’s a place to vent. It may be a platform for my soap box when I need it.
  • It allows me to demonstrate my sense of humor, which just helps get me in a better mood.
  • Last, but not least…….cause my home girl “Hope from the Edge,” a faithful fellow blogger, swears by it. It’s gives me a way to stay connected, especially since she now lives in another state. It’s an easy way for me to keep up with what’s happening in her life.

Plus now blogger has some new features that weren’t available when I blogged before. I’m kind of excited to be blogging again!

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