Friday, August 08, 2008

God Brings a Storm

We had a storm last night, and my 6-year old, Sarah, nearly had a cow. We had lots of wind and rain……..over 4 inches. At one point when the rain slacked off we decided to take a look at the damage in our yard. I commented on how I hadn’t seen water sit in our yard like that since Hurricane Hugo in ‘88. Sarah said, in a panic, “But God promised He wouldn’t ever flood the earth again!“ I had to laugh. I explained how we were not having a flood, it was just a bad storm, yada, yada, yada. My mother interjected her 2 cents, explaining that "the Good Lord was doing His work."

Then we looked at the limbs in the yard, the shingles down off the house, the plants blown off the porch, the rocking chair blown over, and toys strewn about the back yard. Sarah's bike, which was under the shed before the storm, was now about 6 ft. from the shed.......still standing, thanks to the training wheels I suppose. The girls' kiddie picnic table was blown from under the carport. I don't know where it would have ended up if Mama's truck hadn't stopped it. There were limbs and debris in the yard far from the trees.

With a hand on her hip, and an authoritative tone in her voice, Sarah looked around and said, “How dare God mess up our yard like that!” I cracked up over that one. She said it almost like she thought that since HE made the mess, HE ought to have to clean it up!!! We had to have a little pow-wow about how God can do whatever He pleases, cause He’s in charge….plus the good that came from the storm was that we REALLY needed the rain. We live in the country and there are lots of farmers in our area. Plus we may get a new roof out of the deal. Yeah, there was that much damage. Fortunately, there was only one room in the house where there was visible water damage on the ceiling. We're very blessed that we didn't have any damage to our vehicles. There were limbs all around my car, some pretty large. I told Mama there must have been an angel with large wings sheltering my car from the storm. I’m trying to teach Sarah to look for the good things that come out of life’s “storms.” I don’t want her to grow up with a “victim” mentality, like so many people these days seem to have. Romans 8:28 (“all things work together for good”) is one of my favorite verses in the Bible.

Well, folks, I'll stop now. I'm starting to have flashbacks of those videos you see on TV where the most ignorant Redneck amongst us manages to get on the news to tell all about the big hurricane we had. grin!

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