Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of First Grade

Today was the first day of school. Sarah is in first grade with Ms. Daley, whom I am pleased to say I’ve heard good things about. Sarah went sporting her new polka-dot book back (filled with all her school supplies), her new outfit that “Nana Jo-Jo” (her great aunt and adopted 2nd grandma) bought her, and her new hairstyle. We just cut it in a little “bob“ and it really looks cute on her. We started the year off right by praying on the way to school. Lord, please help us to have a good year. Below are a few pictures.

"The Outfit"

"The 'Do"

" "The Rockin' Backpack"

1 comment:

Miss Hope said...

Oh heck. She's growing way too fast!!

Sarah, you look beautiful! Aunt Hope loves you!!!