Saturday, August 23, 2008

Banana Imposters & Other Fake Foods

Sarah has all kinds of accessories for her toy kitchen, including “fake food.” Loren has been fooled by these food “imposters” quite a few times. She has tried fake hot dogs, cucumbers, and ice cream. It’s so funny to watch the expression on her face when she bites into something, and then realizes it ain’t the “real deal.“ But this next story takes the cake…….or should I say bananas in this case?

Loren LOVES bananas. She likes just about any kind of fruit, or any kind of FOOD for that matter….but bananas are her favorite fruit. She would eat 3 or 4 a day if I let her. If it were possible to turn into to a monkey from eating too many bananas?????? Well, Loren would be a little monkey by now.
This child is ALWAYS hungry. I’m thankful that she eats healthy…..lots of veggies and fruits. I have no problem getting her to eat a balanced meal.

She was up at 7:30 Saturday morning, and hungry….like usual. Sometimes she will swipe a banana from the basket and bring it to me so I can peel it for her. Well, this morning she got fooled. Before I was even out of bed, Loren scurried to the kitchen and brought back what she THOUGHT was a banana. She likes to feed me sometimes, and she’s good about sharing her snacks. She’s so sweet. So she’s trying to give me a bite of her “banana,” so I pretend to eat and say “Mmmmm….good! Yummy for my tummy!” like I usually do, but I’m giggling the whole time because I know something Loren doesn’t……..this “banana” is NOT a fruit…….it’s a VEGETABLE. She swiped a couple of yellow banana peppers off the kitchen counter, thinking they were bananas. TOO funny. You should have seen the look on her face when she bit the tip off that pepper! HILARIOUS!! She immediately realized this was NOT a banana. She spit it out before she even chewed it any. Then I had to get up and get her a REAL banana. That night before bed I realized she laid that tiny piece of pepper on the nightstand, and I had to laugh all over again when I saw it. Bon appetite, ya’ll!!

1 comment:

Miss Hope said...

LOL. I can see her little face when she tasted that pepper! Girl, I can just hear you snorting.