Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Cheap Kitchen Makeover

Loren has decided that she likes bologna. If the refrigerator is open, and she wants a snack, she goes for the drawer with the meat and cheese in it. She pulls out whatever she’s in the mood for. Usually it’s cheese, but today the bologna won out. I cut it up into smaller pieces for her, and let her feed herself, which Miss Independent prefers anyway. I was on the computer, and I glanced over at her standing in the kitchen. She was taking pieces of bologna and sticking them to the wall. I guess she was conducting an experiment to determine whether they would stick to the wall or not. They did indeed. Either that, or she figured the kitchen needed a cheap makeover. Look out HGTV! I’ve got a creative one on my hands!

1 comment:

Miss Hope said...

You should see what kind of damage Vitt can do with shredded cheese.