Monday, September 01, 2008

Bath Time Funny:
Don’t Drown Your Kids!

Tonight when the girls were in the tub, I washed Sarah’s hair. She’s old enough to wash it herself, but sometimes she just wants Mama to do it for her. This was one of those times. I kept telling her to tilt her head back so I could rinse her hair. She’s 6 now, so she knows the drill. She wouldn’t cooperate, so I just doused her one time, thinking she’d get the point. She looked at me, just as serious as anything, and said, “It’s important not to drown your kids when you wash them." I had to shake my head and laugh.

1 comment:

Miss Hope said...

Girl, Makenna is 9 and I STILL help her wash her hair! She's just not quite there yet.