Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Sarah is going through this phase where she wants to wear her hair in 2 pig tails kind of high up on her head. It looks adorable. Her way of explaining that this is the hair style she desires? “Mama, I want ‘antennae hair‘ today.” TOO cute!

The other day Sarah came in with a big handful of long, straight, dark hair. I panicked for a second until it dawned on me that baby sissy’s hair isn’t nearly that long or straight, and it obviously wasn’t Sarah’s hair because she’s a blonde. I couldn’t think of any doll she had with that much hair, so I was puzzled as to exactly where all this hair came from. So I asked the dreaded question. “Sarah, where did this come from?” Her response? “Well, Rosie needed a hair cut.” She announced it with confidence, too. Don’t panic folks. “Rosie” is Sarah’s hobby horse. She has a beautiful long mane and tail………or should I say HAD??? Yep, that’s right. That long, flowing mane and tail are now more like pig tails than pony tails. When I explained to her that she is not supposed to use the “grown up” scissors, and she shouldn’t have cut Rosie’s hair, she was quick to respond, very “matter-of-factly,” saying, “Well, it’ll grow back.”

When I said, “Well, uh….no, honey…..it won’t” she looked puzzled. She had no clue. When I explained that Rosie’s hair wasn’t real, so her hair doesn’t grow back like ours does when you cut it, she looked MORTIFIED! Oh my gosh, the expression on her face was PRICELESS. I couldn’t helped laughing, even though she was upset now that she realized the repercussions of her actions. I went on to clarify that this also applies to baby dolls or any toy animal with hair or fur. Of course, I had to reiterate that we do NOT cut our own hair and that only the hairdresser should do that, etc., etc.…….just to make sure I covered all the bases. Well, my darling…there’s another life lesson learned. Poor Rosie.

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