Friday, January 20, 2006

Lost and Found

With a 3-year-old in the house, things are always disappearing. There's a fair number of items that have been lost and recently found. You don’t even wanna know where I found some of these items. A few popular hiding places are:

(1.) inside the Wiggles step stool, which has a lid.
(2.) inside the oven on the toy kitchen.
(3.) in the toy box.
(4.) in the toy box.
(5.) in the toy box.

Yes, there were tons of things in the toy box that had no business being in there. I definitely made note of these hiding places and plan to check them periodically………or the next I‘m missing something.

For your enjoyment, below is a list of items that have been lost and recently found.

  1. my brown shoe - missing for 2 months - found inside the Wiggles step stool
  2. most of Loren's pacifiers - found 1 inside the Wiggles step stool; found 1 in the toy box
  3. Neosporin - found in the toy box
  4. numerous socks - found all over the house
  5. cake mix & icing - yes, on the toy kitchen (makes sense, right?)
  6. Loren's hair brush - found under the bed
  7. dirty dish towel - found inside the toy kitchen oven
  8. strawberry drink mix - found on the girls' bedroom floor, covering a large section of the carpet
  9. dirty laundry - missing various lengths of time - found inside the toy kitchen oven
  10. Dora doll - found inside the toy kitchen oven (maybe we should stop reading "Hansel & Gretal"???)
I can't say exactly how long these items have been missing. I'm not sure when some of them disappeared. I just know I've been looking for them for a while. There's a list of things I'm still looking for. Who knows how many things are missing in our house that I haven't even run across yet? It's interesting how that works. Sometimes you don't realize something was missing.......until you find it.

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