Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Big Blog Dilemma

Over the past few days while debating the "blog" issue, I've been making some mental notes of tidbits that would make good blog material. So now that I've decided to do the "blog thing," I must play catch-up. I must play around with the settings and options to try to put this stuff in some kind of logical order (for order and logic are 2 very important things in my life.) Following is my blog-worthy material from the week. Please forgive the bazillion entries all at once. I'd been working on a draft entry, and I started to put all the entries in one post........but it was just too long, and I hated to waste those catchy headings I'd come up with! Plus, I just learned how to change the dates on an entry! I promise to do better in the future. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Why blog?

To blog or not to blog..........that is the question. "Why blog?" I think to myself. Well, cause my home girl "Hope from the Edge" swears by it, for one thing. "Do I really have time to do this?" I ask myself? Because, you see, blogging is something I would take quite seriously. This girl does not play. If I'm gonna do it, I must do it well and do it right. Anything worth doing is worth an honest effort, right? And it's just against my personal policy to half-way do anything.......drives me absolutely crazy when other people do I must not be a hypocrite. I must spell check. I must right-justify. I must use post-it notes for good blog material if my hubby is on the computer and something strikes me. Yes, I am anal that way. If you have a problem with it, talk to the Man upstairs........He made me that way. (grin!) I think I've been like that since birth.

After careful consideration, I determined that it would be a good thing for several other reasons (besides my home girl's highly valued opinion. Grin!) It would give me a place to vent, a place to document the neat things in my day to day life that I want to remember (especially with my kids), and it will force me to sit down and make a conscious effort to think about the GOOD things in my life (not just the negatives.) Hopefully that will help me to have a more positive attitude and remind me why it is that, after many years in the workplace, I decided I wanted to do this "stay at home Mom" thing. So yes, it may be a platform for my soap box some days, but I'm gonna really make a concerted effort to make this something positive and try to throw in a little humor to boot. Fellow bloggers, wish me luck in my endeavors! Let the blogging begin!